Why Wellth Portfolios

Designed and managed to deliver true impact investment.

Leading with impact

Wellth Portfolios have been constructed to be as ‘impactful’ as possible. Accordingly, they have been designed to take into account impact considerations, with the financial infrastructure built around them to ensure robustness.

The portfolios should be able to sit comfortably at the heart of an investor’s financial planning and affairs, rather than only at the periphery.

With both of these points in mind, Wellth Portfolios are intended to be aligned with a cornerstone principle of financial life planning: helping clients to meet their objectives.


Model portfolios, managed on a discretionary basis

There are currently four Wellth Portfolios available to investors via their financial advisors, all composed of funds that invest in and lend to companies that aim to have a positive impact on society and the environment.

Each of the portfolios – which adopt a sensible asset allocation position and are managed on a discretionary basis for simplicity and efficiency – has a gradually increasing expected level of risk and therefore long-term financial return, so that the most appropriate can be selected by planning professionals and their clients.

Read our Wellth 1st year anniversary blog

Wellth 1st Year AnniversaryDownload

The Wellth Portfolios are:

Peer and planning led

Crafted by professionals with a financial planning focus who understand and care; helping investors to meet their objectives and fiduciaries’ to meet their responsibilities

Formed around Worthstone’s market-leading impact analysis and rating methodology

Independent, expert, insightful, rigorous – essential in building credible, effective impact portfolios

Managed on a discretionary basis by experienced professionals

High quality investment governance, multiple angles of scrutiny, simplicity and efficiency


Thoughtful construction and global-diversification across asset classes, themes and levels of risk

Intended to deliver acceptable risk-adjusted financial returns

Sensible portfolio behaviour characteristics, asset class assumptions and inflation-plus, long-term return objectives


Ensuring regulatory obligations in this area are easily and confidently met, now and in the future

Competitively priced

In absolute terms, relative to the inputs required, and compared with both traditional and comparable alternatives

Genuinely impactful

Driven by the pursuit of beneficial solutions and outcomes, which are routinely measured and reported on

Mapped to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Intentional, understandable, measurable and appropriate for a core of investors

Complimented by impact-focused reporting and case studies

Visual, engaging, enlightening; helping investors to see and feel the difference their money has made, or has the potential to make, as well as the financial returns they have achieved